Bio-Kleen – Eco Multi Purpose Home & Laundry Soap [NEW Natural LEMON Fragrance]

Brightening, Biodegradable, Grey Water Safe Soap Powder | 500g

4 in stock

3 Reviews


Effective and economical laundry & dish-washing soap with rich South African heritage behind this amazing product.

Natural Aroma Oils of Tea Tree, Pine and Lemon – Naturally Refreshing & Antibacterial!

Bio-Kleen is:
  • Bio-degradable
  • Eco-friendly
  • Non-chemical
  • Multi-purpose

Bio-Kleen is suitable to use in cold or warm water and can be used in top- or front-loader washing machines, dishwashers or as a dish-washing liquid.

Please read more below…

Bio-Kleen is the ONLY Grass Fed, Free Range Boerseep Laundry and Multi-Purpose Soap that is commercially available in South Africa.

Upgraded fragrance – Natural Aroma Oils : Tea Trea, Pine & Lemon

Bio-Kleen is used for:

  • Removal of oil, fat, mud, wine and blood stains.
  • Tough stains on clothing or whites, and more!
  • This is a great multipurpose soap.

Bio-degradable, Eco-friendly, Non-chemical, Greywater safe and Multi-purpose!

For hand washing (and so much more), there is also the Traditional Boerseep Soap Bars available – a true heritage product!


*Pure Primal artisan nutrient-dense products are small batch, hand-made unique items with color/scent/consistency that might vary due to ingredients that change together with the seasons! True free range and grass fed animals will yield fat that differs season to season due to weather/vegetation available for them to feed from on the pastures. Raw beeswax and other botanicals will also change seasonally.
We do not disrupt or alter Mother Nature..
We change our products according to what she offers each season.

Basic Mix

Dissolve 35g (75ml scoop if fine / 75ml scoop if coarse) BioKleen in 250ml of boiling water. Use stick blender to mix. Add another 250ml of cold water and blend.
Once cooled, a light gel forms and can be added to washing machines (top-loader/front-loader), dishwashers or use as a dish-washing liquid.

This mixture can also be used for cleaning bathrooms, tiles, stove tops and kitchen tops – basically all you indoor and outdoor cleaning needs.

Dilute further for a thinner soap to wash windows.

Make a larger volume of this basic mix and store gel in an airtight container (preferrably glass) for later use.


Tea Trea / Pine / Lavender
All natural aroma oils are included for a fresh and clean fragrance.

How to use

Every day washing (laundry): Use 1/2(half) – 1 (one) cup per load of Basic Mixture.
Quantity used is dependent on load size.

Stains: The Basic Mix, but only 250ml of water, giving a thick concentrated gel.
Rub onto stains or soak overnight before washing normally.

Heavy Stains: Use the concentrated gel for wine, grass and grease stains.
Rub the gel into the stained area and let is sit in the sun (full sunshine) for a few hours. Wash as usual.


100% FREE RANGE NATURAL Saponified Grass Fed, Free Range Tallow
Pure Essential Oils of Lavender, Pine & Tea Trea
Sodium Borate (dissapates during curing)
FREE FROM: Animal testing Water Alcohols Gluten Soya Dairy Sulphates Harsh Detergents (any detergents!) Petro-Chemicals and Mineral oils Artificial Colours Fragrances and ingredients created in a lab Parabens Preservatives Any strange chemicals you can’t pronounce Cheap Harmful Fillers Artificial anything!!

3 reviews for Bio-Kleen – Eco Multi Purpose Home & Laundry Soap [NEW Natural LEMON Fragrance]

  1. Masengu (verified owner)

    This soap is amazing! I have not gotten the right dosage for use in laundry machine yet.
    But when my kid come home from school with muddy brown socks and shoes, that were white…it is the only soap that get them white again and still keep the fabric looking new and soft.
    Life saver!

  2. Rosa Oosthuizen (verified owner)

    Absolute winner, no more itchy skin from laundry powder and economical

  3. anne britz (verified owner)

    I have bought this product so many times and I can not even begin to think my life without this product, SMELL, TEXTURE OF MY CLOTHES coming out of the machine. THIS IS A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!

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Basic Mix: Dissolve 35g (75ml if fine / 100ml if coarse) in 250ml boiling water. Use stick blender to mix. Add another 250ml cold water and blend. Once cooled, it will be more gel-like in consistency.

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